COLBAR & The Consulate of Colombia are Hosting Free Legal Clinics

COLBAR & The Consulate of Colombia are Hosting Free Legal Clinics

Legal issues can often be overwhelming and expensive, preventing individuals from accessing the justice they deserve. Recognizing this need, the Colombian-American Bar Association (COLBAR) has partnered with the Consulate of Colombia in Miami to host free monthly legal clinics. These clinics offer valuable assistance to individuals seeking legal advice or representation.

Legal clinics play a crucial role in providing access to justice for individuals who might not have the means to hire an attorney. These clinics serve as a bridge between the legal system and those in need, helping to level the playing field. By offering free legal services, COLBAR and the Consulate of Colombia in Miami address a significant barrier that prevents many individuals from seeking legal assistance.

Services Offered at the Legal Clinics

The free monthly legal clinics cover a wide range of legal areas to cater to the diverse needs of the community. Experienced attorneys and legal professionals volunteer their time and provide expert advice and assistance in various areas of law. Whether someone needs help with immigration paperwork, guidance on child custody matters, or advice on employment rights, the legal clinics aim to address a broad spectrum of legal needs.

Schedule and Location

The free monthly legal clinics are held once-a-month on a Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, providing a convenient time for individuals to seek assistance without disrupting their work or other commitments. The clinics take place at a designated location, which is easily accessible to the community. The exact location and contact information can be obtained by contacting the Colombian-American Bar Association or the Consulate of Colombia in Miami. It is advisable to inquire about the upcoming clinic dates to ensure availability.

Please check back soon for upcoming dates and locations.





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