Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 01/01/2024


Welcome to the online platform of the Colombian American Bar Association (COLBAR). We appreciate your interest in our organization and respect your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle the information collected on this site to ensure the confidentiality and security of your data.

Ownership of Information

COLBAR is the exclusive owner of all information collected on this site. We understand the importance of privacy, especially when seeking information about our organization.

Voluntary Submission of Information

Any contact information provided on this site is voluntarily submitted by visitors who are interested in learning more about COLBAR. We do not engage in user tracking, and the information collected is solely for the purpose of interacting with individuals seeking information about our association.

Protection from Third-Party Circulation

We want to assure you that any information collected from visitor submissions is never sold or circulated to any third party or information broker. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we take measures to safeguard your data.

Limited Access by Professionals

In the course of maintaining and servicing our information technology, professionals contracted by our office are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and are prohibited from copying or using such information in any way.

Limited Access by Professionals

In the course of maintaining and servicing our information technology, professionals contracted by our office are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and are prohibited from copying or using such information in any way.

Purpose of Data Usage

Data collected from this site is used exclusively to interact with individuals who request information or wish to be contacted by COLBAR. We respect your preferences, and you may opt out of further contact at any time by informing our office via the email address or telephone number provided on this site.

COLBAR is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security in handling your information. We appreciate the trust you place in us, and we assure you that your data is treated with the utmost care.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing COLBAR for your information needs.