Silvia Juliana Jaimes rondon
Silvia Juliana Jaimes Rondon

Avenida 42 No. 48 – 11
Bucaramanga, Colombia


Silvia Juliana Jaimes Rondon

Lawyer and student of specialization in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. I am a proactive, dedicated and responsible person, with a large experience on vulnerable populations, migrants and conflict resolution. I am characterized by always having the best attitude and knowing how to communicate with people to carry out my work. Among my qualities are leadership, responsibility, companionship, creativity, ethics, conflict resolution, conciliation, strategy planning, learning and quick adaptation.

Areas of Interest

Dereco Humanos
International Humanitarian Law
Immigration Law


Estudiante de derecho
Estudiante de especialización en. Derechos humanos y derecho internacional humanitario.

Relevant Experiences

IOM Regional Office for South America. UN MIGRATION. Volunteering. Online search of national job boards in South American countries.

Teacher in the community management program for the Human Rights and Public Policies and Ethics and social values courses, also, I carried out an extension project for the socialization of the migratory regularization, rights and duties of Venezuelan migrants within the Colombian territory.

Litigation in public, civil, labor, disciplinary and criminal law through legal representation in criminal and civil proceedings and legal advice through legal concepts in matters of public and labor law and finally in advising users of the Legal Assistance Program for Persons in Need of International Protection (UNHCR). Extrajudicial conciliator in Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga


Fluent in English and Spanish