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Our Vice President, Laura Arboleda, was featured in an article by Law 360 for settling a case against U.S. immigration authorities

Navigating the U.S. immigration system can be an intricate and often challenging process, especially for individuals seeking permanent residency. A recent case involving Colombian actor Julián Farieta shed light on the complexities immigrants face while striving to establish themselves in the United States.

The actor known for his roles in international film and television, encountered hurdles in his pursuit of an EB-1 visa, which grants permanent residency to individuals demonstrating “extraordinary ability” in their field. Despite citing a job offer in Florida and a promising acting career in the United States, the actor’s initial application was denied by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

The unfolding events took a significant turn in December when Muñoz took legal action by filing a lawsuit challenging the government’s denial of his EB-1 visa application. On December 20, Muñoz and his attorney, Laura Arboleda of Authentic Law Firm PLLC, lodged the lawsuit in federal court in Miami. The actor’s lawsuit emphasized that USCIS completely disregarded many documents submitted in support of the petition and made several contradictory statements throughout the denial statement, which compelled USCIS to reconsider its decision.

Remarkably, within an incredibly short span, USCIS approved the actor’s petition just three weeks after the lawsuit was filed. The legal maneuver prompted the government to reopen the case, withdraw the initial decision, and grant the EB-1 visa. Subsequently, Arboleda voluntarily dismissed the legal action on January 19.

The lawsuit alleged that USCIS made arbitrary and capricious decision in denying the actor’s petition. This case underscores the complexities immigrants face within the U.S. immigration system and the significance of legal representation and persistence in seeking justice.

The case of William Julian Muñoz Farieta v. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, et al., accentuates the need for fair and transparent immigration policies and a meticulous review process to ensure deserving individuals are not unfairly denied opportunities in the United States.


Law 360’s original article can be found in this link: