Refund Policy

Effective Date: 01/01/2024


Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Colombian American Bar Association (COLBAR). This Refund Policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds will be provided for membership fees.

Membership Categories and Fees

  • First-Year Attorneys: Enjoy a complimentary first-year membership as a fresh graduate. No charges apply during this initial period. 

  • Law Students: Law students can join as student-members for free.

  • Annual Full Membership for Professional Attorneys: The annual membership fee for professional attorneys is $125 per year.

Payment Methods

  • Zelle Payments: Accepted at Zelle payments are eligible for a full refund of $125 within the specified refund period.

  • Online Payments (Credit/Debit Card): Processed securely by Square. Online payments incur a total fee of $130 per year, which includes a $5 processing fee. Refunds for online payments will be $125, excluding the non-refundable $5 processing fee.

Refund Period

There is a 30-day refund period from the date of payment. Requests for refunds must be submitted within this period to be eligible for consideration.

Refund Process

  • Zelle Payments: Refunds for Zelle payments will be credited back to the Zelle account, with the full amount of $125.

  • Online Payments (Credit/Debit Card): Refunds for online payments will be processed by crediting $125 back to the original card account. The $5 processing fee is non-refundable.

How to Request a Refund

To request a refund, please contact us at Provide your name, membership details, and the reason for the refund request. Refunds will be processed promptly within the stipulated refund period.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Refund Policy, please contact us at

Note: This Refund Policy is subject to change. Please check for updates regularly.

Thank you for being a valued member of COLBAR.